Attendance Policy

Shelby High School students and their parents/guardians are asked to adhere to established procedures regarding leaving the school campus during school hours. The health and safety of our students is paramount in our effort to provide the best education possible for your student.

Late Arrival
Students who arrive to school after 8:00 am must be signed in at the Attendance Booth by a parent/guardian to receive a pass to class. If the student drives themselves to school they must present a note to the Attendance Booth from a parent/guardian in order for the late arrival to be excused. Car and traffic problems will have to have administrator's approval to be considered excused. Three unexcused tardies will constitute an unexcused absence. To be counted present a student must be in attendance at least one-half of the student's class period.

Early Dismissal
Under our policy, early dismissal request (notes) should be submitted to the Attendance Booth before school begins in the morning or immediately upon the student's arrival if he/she is late to school. Notes should indicate the reason for the student leaving early and a parent/guardian contact number. If a note is not presented to the attendance office a parent/guardian or person designated as a student's emergency contact is required to physically come to the Attendance Booth and sign the student out. The procedure increases student security and accountability and decreases out-of-class time for students. Whenever possible, students should request an early dismissal in advance. Emergency situations, for which prior notice is not possible, and extenuating circumstances, will be handled by the Administration.

Excused Absences
The following constitutes valid excuses for the temporary non-attendance of a student at school, this also covers early dismissal, and late arrival, as outlined in Board Policy # 4000, may include: illness/injury, medical/dental appointments, court appearance, isolation/quarantine, death of immediate family, religious events (prior approval from administrator required), or a valid educational opportunity, such as travel (also requires prior administrator approval). As always, students and parents are encouraged to schedule personal and medical appointments after school or on weekends. Three (3) unexcused dismissals from school will constitute an unexcused absence. To be counted present a student must be in attendance at least one-half of the student's class period. If your student is absent they have two (2) school days after the student returns to school to provide written documentation of the reason(s) or the absence will be deemed unexcused, all notes should be turned into the Attendance Booth.

Extracurricular Activities
No student who is absent from school may participate in any extracurricular, social, or athletic event held on the day of his/her absence. No student is eligible to go on any field trip or school sponsored activity that results in a loss of class time without prior permission of the principal when the student has reached the maximum number of class absences.

Class Credits
To be eligible to receive academic credit for a course, a student must attend a minimum of 168 classes in a year-long course and 84 classes in semester courses. Therefore, on the 7th absence in a semester course or the 13th absence in a year-long course, a student loses the opportunity to receive credit for the course.

We will not allow any phone call releases during lunch hours. If your student needs to leave during this time they must bring a note from home or a parent/guardian must sign them out.