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School Leadership Team

North Carolina's major educational reform "The ABCs of Public Education" seeks to raise student achievement through increased Accountability, an emphasis on the Basics, and local Control in decision making. Mandated in this law is the formation of School Leadership Teams (SLTs) at all North Carolina schools to devise plans to increase the school's student achievement. This is "local control in action". A School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who implement school-based management at a local school by developing a plan to enhance student achievement. It is a decentralized, shared process that includes people such as administrators, teachers, support staff, students, business leaders, and parents who sincerely care about all the students in that school and what they need to learn to succeed.

Part of our School Leadership Team process is to create, maintain, and work toward the goals of our School Improvement Plan:


Our School Leadership Team meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 3:15PM in the Shelby High media center. View our school calendar for date exceptions. Meeting announcements are made in our weekly newsletter, THE OUTLOOK.