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Mission, Vision & Values

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North Carolina Mission Statement:

The guiding mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is that every public school student will graduate from high school, globally competitive for work and post-secondary education and prepared for life in the 21st Century.

Cleveland County Mission Statement:

Cleveland County Schools will equip all students with the knowledge and skills to become productive citizens in a globally competitive world by partnering with our community to provide appropriate educational experiences.

Cleveland County Vision Statement:

To fully equip students by striving to be one of the 10 best performing districts in the state.

We Are Shelby Core Values:
We are students first: "Is this best for my students or for me?"
We are hands-on and hearts in: "Am I giving it my all today?"
We are empowering others: "Am I helping the pride to be it's best?"
We are learners: "Am I growing as an educator and as a leader?"
We are building futures: "Am I helping students prepare for their futures?"
We are yielding results: "Do my efforts help students succeed?"

We Are Shelby-Student Core Values

We are students, first

  • Take care of your business as a student before anything else.
  • Make decisions based on you, the student; not you the __________

We are hands-on and hearts in

  • #RESPECT180
    • Take care of the small things every day
    • Work hard every day

We are empowering others

  • Help make YOUR school a better place for yourself and others
  • Build others up; don't tear them down

We are learners

  • Build up your skill sets
  • Take advantage of PRIDE

We are building futures

  • Know your decisions today affect your future
  • Focus forward on your future

We are yielding results

  • Put in the work each day and strive for good grades
  • Do the best you can