PBIS Flowchart
The following are suggested interventions that may be utilized in correcting a student's inappropriate behavior. Interventions listed are not tiered. District regulations dictate consequences for certain infractions.
*Nonverbal cue to correct behavior
*Verbal warning to student(s)
*Conference with student (in classroom or hallway)
*In-class modified seating
*In-class time-out
*Time-out / ALE
*Out of class time with another teacher
*Phone call or other correspondence to parent/guardian
*Reflective writing assignment
*Student/Parent conference with teacher or team
*Minor Incident Report (MIR)
*Office Discipline Referral (ODR)
Explanation of MIR Process
- Use behavior graphic (flow chart) to decide
- Behavior graphic should be posted in all classrooms for all to see
After interventions have been used and it is determined that an MIR is necessary, follow the checklist below.
- Which consequence did you assign?
- Have you discussed the problem behavior/consequence with the student?
- Parent contact is a best practice.
- Have you completed the MIR correctly? If so, complete MIR and distribute copies as shown: White - Student, Yellow - Teacher, Pink - Data Manager/Administrator
*Remember: dialogue with the student regarding the problem behavior and determined consequences is required throughout the discipline process.
- What happens to the MIR that is sent to the office? It is given to the data clerk for data entry.
- What does the administrator do with the MIRs? Nothing. An MIR is a record of disciplinary action taken by a teacher. A data clerk enters this record into the student's discipline log and then the paperwork is filed in the discipline file.
- Do the three MIRs on the behavior graphic refer to three MIRs by the same or different teachers? They refer to three of the same offense by various teachers.
- How is this different than what I used to do in the classroom, other than making me fill out one more piece of paper? PBIS will help the teacher establish a relationship with the student. Teachers have always corrected inappropriate behavior in their rooms. The paperwork allows us to gather data. Having data allows us to organize in a way that can assist students, teachers and administrators with decision-making. It is a guideline to determine the need for administrative intervention. The MIR reminds us to have dialog with the student and to cover the three basics of what is inappropriate, expected improvement, and consequences for the action. PBIS helps us to remember that we are teaching social skills and civility within the context of our curriculum. Positive learning interactions are the focus.
- When do I use an office discipline referral? The student has engaged in an office-managed behavior.
- Who do I give the discipline referral to? Suan White in the main office.